Coliseum League Wrap Up
3 March 2025 @ 3:14 PM by Coliseum Admin

What a year! A big thanks to every player, parent, coach, team manager, referee, and club official that helped make the winter season a success. Be sure to check out our Instagram page @coliseumsoccerottawa for team pictures, game highlights and more. 

Congratulations to our league winners. You can view the list of winners and golden boot recipients on our Honours page. 

Have feedback? We'd love to hear from you at

See you in November!



- Your Coliseum Team

Sunday Mar 2 Games @ RA Delayed by Two Hours
2 March 2025 @ 5:53 AM by Coliseum Admin


All games being played at the RA Centre Dome today, Sunday March 2 have been delayed by two hours. 


We apologize for the inconvenience. 



- Your Coliseum Team

2025 March Break Classic Tournament
13 January 2025 @ 2:57 PM by Coliseum Admin

The Coliseum is thrilled to announce that registration is now open for our 3rd Annual March Break Classic!

The tournament will provide competition to boys and girls teams U13 through U18 across Ontario and Quebec. Games will take place at the RA Centre Dome located at 2451 Riverside Drive, and Ottawa University Lees Dome at 200 Lees Avenue - both in Ottawa, ON.



The competition will run over two weekends (Mar 8-9 & Mar 15-16). 

  • March 8-9: All girls' divisions (GU13-18) and boys U13 & U14. The application deadline is February 21. 
  • March 15-16: Boys' divisions U15-U18. The application deadline is February 28. 



  • *Games will run from 7am-8pm on each Saturday, and 7am-1pm on each Sunday
  • Most group games will play all of their group games on Saturday, however some may have a group game Sunday morning
  • The youngest age groups will start earliest on each day, with the older age groups kicking off progressively later throughout the day. 
  • The round robin schedule will be posted on the website and communicated to teams at least five (5) days before the start of the competition

*If the tournament is not sold out our priority will be getting rid of 7:00am kickoffs



  • 7 v 7 small sided games
  • Teams are guaranteed 120 minutes of play
  • Round round games are 25-40-minutes (dependent on division size). Playoff games are 40-minutes (2 x 20-minute halves). Playoff games tied at the end of regulation go straight to PKs
  • Min division size per competition: Four (4) teams
  • Max division size per competition: Twelve (12) teams
  • Multiple tiers (tier 1 & tier 2) will be offered where possible


For more information, including on how to register for the competition visit our Upcoming Leagues page. Have a question? Don't hesitate to reach out at 


See you there! 

- Your Coliseum Team

January 10 Roster Freeze
8 January 2025 @ 9:25 AM by Coliseum Admin

This year's roster freeze is Friday, January 10. This means that as of Friday afternoon changes can no longer be made to your Ontario Soccer TRR or Coliseum roster. Existing players cannot removed or transferred to another team, and new players can no longer be registered. Additionally, from January 11 to the end of the season, players on 'House League' TRRs are not eligible to play in Coliseum games. 


We encourage teams to get the ball rolling on any changes they need to make immediately. Putting through a change requires action by a team manager, their club, Eastern Ontario Soccer (EOS) and the Coliseum. Because of this the process can take multiple days. Do not wait until the 11th hour!!


How do we know if we need to make changes?

  • Check your TRR. If all of the players that will be playing between Jan 11 and the end of the season are on it, you're all set!
  • If you plan on using call ups, be sure they are registered with your club to a lower level Coliseum team 
  • If you don't have your TRR, aren't sure which TRR a player is registered to, or have any questions relating to your TRRs contact your club


How do we make changes?

  • Contact your club registrar and let them know which players need to be moved
  • Shoot us an email to let us know which players have been moved
  • Once EOS has approved the changes in Sports Engine we'll adjust your Coliseum roster(s)


Are we still allowed using callups?

  • Yes, but the player(s) you're calling up must be registered to a lower level Coliseum TRR (i.e., not a 'House League' TRR)



Holiday Tournament Wrap Up
3 January 2025 @ 11:38 AM by Coliseum Admin


A big thanks to all your players, parents, coaches and team managers that helped make our 2nd Annual Holiday Classic a success! Hats off to the champions: 

  • BU13: Ottawa Internationals
  • BU14: Ottawa Internationals
  • BU15: Ottawa Futsal Club
  • BU16: Ottawa Internationals
  • GU15: Ottawa City
  • GU16: Ottawa South United
  • GU18: Ottawa City


Have feedback from the event? We'd love to hear from you


Looking for another tournament to finish up the winter season? We'll be running our 3rd Annual March Break Classic in just over two months from now. Here are the dates:

  • March 8-9: Girls U13-U18 and Boys U13 & U14
  • March 15-16: Boys U15-U18

Registration will open in the next two weeks. You can sign your team up under our Upcoming Leagues page. 



- Your Coliseum Team




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